

World Kitchen - Spain!!

Country 10 España

suspiro para você 

◆ World Recipe ◆
Spanish tortilla 
【ingredients】eggs, 1/2 onion, potato,a dozen cloves of garlic,olive oil, 1/2 tsps salt, a little bit pepper

1, Sliced potatoes and onions.
2, Place (1) and garlic and olive oil in the silicon steamer. and heat for 5 min in the microwave at 600W.
3,Mix 3 eggs into a bowls, prinkle salt and pepper.
4, When potatoes are tender enough for a bamboo skewer to pierce without difficulty, remove garlic from (2).sprinkle salt and pepper.
5, Add (3)into(2)heat for 5 min again. turn over was ready to eat. 


’’Platero y yo (Platero and I)’

- Juan Ramón Jiménez

〈The poet of Spain that awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1956

* Silver is called Prata (Plata) in Spanish. 
This book shows us many scene of Spain. 

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