
World Kitchen - Alaska!

Country 4 Alaska(USA)
Carrot and potato pancakes home cooking in Alaska&
Alaska Salmon Chowder Soup

I caught the salmon at KALDI today* KALDI sell many foods in the world at a low price!
My favorite shop*Even so, Aalskan catch even more awesome~(look!!so surprised!)

Alaska is a producing district which has closed not less than 50% of share of a world market with the natural salmon. However,Alaska is cold land, a farming district is few. But lettuce, a potato carrot, a cabbage, etc. grow between summer for about 100 days.Alaska's fish carry the future of the country on it shoulders!
Thank you fish*Let's pray firsty*Let's did in*

Put butter on the Alaska salmon, a potato, a Welsh onion, and a carrot. It warms by a microwave oven. Flour and salt and pepper are added there, and if it boils well with milk, it will complete!
Let's get warm by delicious soup in winter*


World Kitchen - Bulgaria!

Country 3  Bulgaria
Bulgaria is Yogurt!! The thing with the strong image is influence of "Meiji Bulgaria yogurt"in Japan.Yogurt is famous for its beauty and good health. Lactic acid bacteria to reach the intestine alive by eating fresh.Yogurt is my favorite! I want to know how to use more* 
мусака / Musaka
I made the tradition dish moussaka of Bulgaria. 
An onion, a sausage, and a potato are stir-fried and tomato juice is added.
Yogurt, an egg, and the custard made from flour are covered over it.
 and It is roasted in oven. 

sweet of Sweet potato, and sour yogurt good chemistry!


World Kitchen - Germany!

Country 2  Germany

I has been to Germany with Eina*
me ''Why did you want to go Germany? ''
Eina '' I wanted to meet the German soldier* ''
'' I heard that Germans valued tradition and there are always many honest people. 
but people will change to funny character if beer is drunk. this gap is so cool♥ ''
What! Eina's reason is mens!<I:-) Eina is cute always*
FYI, my reason is I want to go to the supermarket in Germany!
I want to experience a life of Germany of eco-advanced nations.
I want to eat real German mother's home cooking.
Yes! my reason is eat! It not say! :-p

German home cooking

making mayonnaise by Eina* 
Mix together with the German music!
Handmade is very pleasant-- *

☆ German old potato salad
only mixed with Mayonnaise
and a potato and an egg.
☆ The German potato of  a sausage and an apple
The potato, the apple, and the sausage 
were cook together with apple juice. 
☆ Winter soup of beans
beans is not soggy and very kind taste.
Beer is Becks!!
the beeks is felt refreshes and easy to drink.

『Guten Appetit!』

Danke :*p


World Kitchen - Japan!

A Happy New Year 2012

Hey! my love friends!
How are you?
I hope you will have a wonderful year*
from the bottom of my heart!
And I wish meet your smile :-)
I worried for a while recently.
I have noticed last year,
that it cannot have confidence
in myself all the time... ;-(
I was sad to have got to know it for a while.  
What is it that can do only to myself?
I would like to find it this year*
Please keep in touch me! encourage me!
And stand by me! I'm always with you* love

 country1 Japan
Japan is my country. Japanese food is very beautiful and very fine.*
I love my country food very very much! I cooked japanese ''sushi ''today! with my friend*of the international church which began to go from last year.I was glad she like it* very happy day today too☆

Sushi's ready! * with Christina
1.Put your favorites!
2.Look! It's beautiful*
3.Sushi for everyone♪
Amazake (rice juice) in winter of Japan*